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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Guest Blogger: Sammie

Recently in Connections…

We have been busy in Connections. We just completed a “Quote Analysis.” We had to find a special quote that meant something to you or had inspired you in someway. The quote I choose was "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars!" It was really fun to have to write down what just maybe a sentence could mean to you!

One of my favorite things we did in class was the “Top Ten List.” I believe the idea was from The David Letterman Show! We had to make up a list about 10 things we love, do, or know the most. Like for example, my top ten best memories, or my top ten favorite things are. It was really fun! Some examples will be posted on this blog soon.

We have been learning about technology can make life easier, but it also opens up doors to other problems, such as internet addiction. We have been reading about internet addiction and how parents. students, and teachers can work together to help prevent it.

We have been fired up debating about one HOT topic: Obama's plan to add minutes and/or days to the school year. Students in Connections have alot to say about this topic.

Finally, this will be the most fun of all!!! On October 1, 09 the whole Topaz team is going to Stokes! We have to be at The Sparta Middle School at 7:30am Thursday! We arrive back at the middle school on October 2 at about 1:30! This trip is going to be awesome! I can’t wait!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guest Blogger: Bridget

Hey everyone! This is Bridget from Mrs. Hartman’s section 5 class. Another summer has come and gone, but Mrs. Hartman has us doing some pretty cool stuff so far in Connections! Did you watch the “Did You Know” videos posted on this page? I can’t believe all the technologies we have today! We have also made our own cartoons. Our theme had to be about school, so some of the topics might have been: the lunch line, lockers, teachers and classes. Another project we worked on in class were letters to Mrs. Hartman. Not just any letters though, we had to pretend we were one of our 5th grade teachers from last year writing to her. These letters explained who we are as students, such as our strengths and weaknesses, and our personalities. Did you know that September 17th is Constitution Day? Well, I certainly didn’t know! I knew about the Constitution of course, because it’s a huge part in American history. In class we started writing our own amendments, to add to the existing list of 27. We also took part of the test that people have to take in order to become an American Citizen. Guess what? It’s also in English! Imagine if you couldn’t speak our language and wanted to pass! We are writing our own amendments to the Constitution. Our most recent task was to bring in a quote that is either inspiring to us or something that we try to live our life by every day. With that quote we are currently writing an essay explaining why we chose it.
All of this in 3 weeks! I L♥ve Connections!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Write on my Wall

Students, please click HERE to write on the wall. This wall will be shown to your parents at Back to School Night next week.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Celebrating Constitution Day

We are celebrating Constitution Day by studying the amendments and writing our own NEW Amendments.

Would YOU be able to pass this test?

Photo Credit:

Did You Know Update

Friday, September 11, 2009

Comic Relief

This week students wrote comics with a "Back to School" theme:
Check out this one by RS:

xxxb3cc4when this boy's locker doesn't open, he resorts to some pretty crazy stuff...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Topaz Team Travels

Topaz Team Travels
Check out all the places our students have visited this summer!

View Topaz Team Summer Vacation in a larger map

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Did You Know?

+SO What does it all mean?