Recently in Connections…
We have been busy in Connections. We just completed a “Quote Analysis.” We had to find a special quote that meant something to you or had inspired you in someway. The quote I choose was "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars!" It was really fun to have to write down what just maybe a sentence could mean to you!
One of my favorite things we did in class was the “Top Ten List.” I believe the idea was from The David Letterman Show! We had to make up a list about 10 things we love, do, or know the most. Like for example, my top ten best memories, or my top ten favorite things are. It was really fun! Some examples will be posted on this blog soon.
We have been learning about technology can make life easier, but it also opens up doors to other problems, such as internet addiction. We have been reading about internet addiction and how parents. students, and teachers can work together to help prevent it.
We have been fired up debating about one HOT topic: Obama's plan to add minutes and/or days to the school year. Students in Connections have alot to say about this topic.
Finally, this will be the most fun of all!!! On October 1, 09 the whole Topaz team is going to Stokes! We have to be at The Sparta Middle School at 7:30am Thursday! We arrive back at the middle school on October 2 at about 1:30! This trip is going to be awesome! I can’t wait!
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